Vancouver is a place I call home, where I spent my first four years in Canada growing up. Last year, I had a chance to visit home on a business trip, which I guess was a win-win for me and my company as I got to spend some time with my family, while saving my company some money on expenses.

After my lunch, I met up with a friend whom I went to elementary school with. Even though we had not seen each other or kept in much contact over the past 10 plus years, we had much to chat about and catch up on. We were joined by some of the new friends he made while studying in Vancouver, and we went for a bike ride around the Sea Wall, which I surprisingly had not done.
I could not have asked for a better weather than this. I do sincerely hope that the weather next month will be nothing short of this as I plan on hitting up all the tourist destinations during my visit.
I managed to fly out during the Canada Day weekend, during which I was supposed to conduct a site visit for one of the clients. After completing the work much ahead of schedule, I realized that I was in the heart of downtown, right next to a Japadog store that had opened during my years of absence while in Unviersity.
Last time I had Japadog was on a rainy day after spending a few hours at the rink at the Robson Square. Because I was hurriedly trying to shove it down my throat, I did not get to enjoy the meal at all as I continued to get drenched in winter Vancouver rain.
This time around though, the weather was perfect and I actually had a place to sit and enjoy my meal. I could actually tell apart all the different garnishes that literally topped the otherwise ordinary hot dog. When I return to Vancouver next month to attend my sister's convocation, this will be a definitive stop.

After my lunch, I met up with a friend whom I went to elementary school with. Even though we had not seen each other or kept in much contact over the past 10 plus years, we had much to chat about and catch up on. We were joined by some of the new friends he made while studying in Vancouver, and we went for a bike ride around the Sea Wall, which I surprisingly had not done.
I could not have asked for a better weather than this. I do sincerely hope that the weather next month will be nothing short of this as I plan on hitting up all the tourist destinations during my visit.